To-do’s before Launch

Starting to list things that should be finalized before launching in closed alpha

:fire: = very important
:hot_face: = important
:snowflake: = not important

“Go to Market Strategy”
*Connect Contribute, Collaborate Engagement Questions :fire:
*Forum :fire:
*Hub :fire:
*Landing Page :fire:
*Social Media :fire:
*Calendar of Events in Forum, Hub, Landing Page and Social Media :fire:
*Create Persona User with Diversity metrics :fire:

  • Pricing?:hot_face:
  • Purchase LinkedIn Campaign :hot_face:
  • AI Bots :hot_face:

Landing Page

  • 3 Blocks (Connect Contribute Collaborate) inkl. Video :fire:
  • Sign up funnel :fire:
  • Impressum :hot_face:
  • Contact Form🥵


  • Feng Shui🥵
  • Onboarding Material🥵
  • Privacy Policy🔥
  • Tutorials for Forum and world🥵
  • SSO🔥


  • SSO🔥
  • onboarding🥵
  • Finish all areas🥵
  • Portals :snowflake:
  • Portal map :snowflake:
  • AI assistant (Receptionist):hot_face:
  • Booths❄️


  • SMTP Finishing❄️
  • Mail Campaign?:snowflake:
  • Onboarding Mails❄️


  • List Features❄️
  • List Apps❄️
  • List Services❄️
  • Discord Placeholder Server❄️
  • Slack Placeholder Server❄️
  • MS Teams Placeholder❄️
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What else @KrystalLucado ?
Do you have a alternative priorities?

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Thank you for asking, @Kilian :sunflower: My thought is to break down the tasks in terns of strategies that we can measure, operating under the principle that we measure what we treasure. For example, what is our “Data strategy”? To demonstrate, I moved some comments around with a focus on our “go to market” strategy and I am thinking about creating a “24 month cash flow strategy”. This will open up a way to do A/B testing in each strategy. Thoughts?

Thanks for sharing. My first thought was „why talking about things here, why not just doing it :slight_smile:
I didn’t understood how breaking this into a strategy, gets the things actually done. :slight_smile:, hope i don’t sound stubborn or ignorant, I might just don’t understood the proposed approach​:pray:

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Second thought was „i still don’t understand what you mean :sleepy:

I appreciate that you moved some things around there. Looks like you were categorizing tasks we need for launch and things we don’t necessarily need for launch?

To make sure we are on the same page, we are not doing a market launch here, right? It’s still a product launch and we are testing the product fit?

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Agreed. Let’s act. That being said, my perspective is that we are not just creating a to do list. We are creating a strategy for launch, when we can do A/B Testing and pivot based on what members want in our consortium.

Okay, do a strategy then. I follow .

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